
To manage the financial department. To ensure financial viability, compliance and reporting of the municipality and to coordinate, facilitate and provide capacity building in the region as a whole as contained in the IDP.


This directorate is responsible for the proper management and accounting of Council finances and advising Council on its financial position. The directorate had 2 divisions, namely:

  • Expenditure
  • Budgeting and Reporting

This Directorate is responsible for financial policies, financial control, budgeting and costing, loans and investment, the evaluation of assets and property as well as monthly management reporting to council. It is also responsible for continuous auditing of all financial activities, procedures and outsourced activities. The Budget and Reporting section of this directorate deals with consumer payment, queries and credit control while the expenditure division deals with salaries, payment of expenditure, procurement, asset management and store/inventory activities.

Key Performance Areas

  • Provide financial management support services to ensure the implementation of policies, systems and procedures in a accordance with reporting and accounting requirements
  • Render income and expenditure services to ensure the recording, authorization and execution of income and expenditures systems, procedures and transactions

Manage Supply Chain Management to ensure proper systems, procedures and control for demand, acquisition, logistics, assets and disposal management.

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